Friends of Cholsey Church

Friends of Cholsey Church

The Society of Friends of Cholsey Church has been in existence for forty years to draw together

 a like-minded body of people; ‘Friends’ who all love and care for St. Mary’s Church Cholsey and 

are willing to share in the privilege of preserving its ancient beauty and of handing on its glories

for the future.

The Society started with the objective of maintaining the fabric of the St. Mary’s Church. Set up initially by

a generous donation from the late Molly Weeddon - this support remains at the forefront of the Friends’ objectives



The help which the Friends are able to give the PCC has done much to maintain the building as it is seen today.

It has also added to the amenities of the church.

For the past few years they have financed, most of the repairs to the fabric and many small items of detail internally for which the PCC is eternally grateful.

Page last updated: Thursday 3rd August 2023 5:44 PM
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