Bell Ringing

Bell Ringing at Cholsey

We have ancient and beautiful bells at St. Mary's. We ring every Sunday before the service and practice regularly. We are always looking for new recruits so come and learn how to ring. 

Bellringing is an unusual hobby and is good for anyone who likes patterns and numbers. It takes several months to learn  to  handle a church bell. They are very heavy, but it's like  pushing  a swing. If you push at the right time, it doesn't  take much  effort. The church tower at Cholsey has a full peal of eight main  bells suspended high in the tower (see picture on the left). We also have a sanctus bell made in 1295 which is still in use.

Ringing always starts with "rounds", where the bells follow each other in size order, and the lightest, highest note starts first. The heaviest, lowest note is at the end of each round. Listen out for it!

If you have a urge to make a loud noise contact Jenny Jeskins via the church office.


Page last updated: Thursday 18th January 2024 3:28 PM
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